Saturday, May 10, 2008


Time of Day: Morning

Journey: Home ---> Work

ipod: The Verve

I get on the bus, I move to the back and I sit down. You get on the bus, and you stop, three inches past the yellow line at the very front, there are seats, room to stand in the middle and at the back, but you station yourself like a sentry at the very front.

Why it's annoying:

Standy McNoMove, who I assume must be a friend of yours, gets on about 2 stops after you, and stands on the other side of the bus entrance, making it nearly impossible for people to get by..and so we wait, at every stop, for people to file through and the driver won't leave until we get people on the bus.

Why do you stand there!?!

What the hell is wrong with you!

I will step on your foot the next time this happens.

The Crabby Librarian

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