Wednesday, May 28, 2008


My other blog persona "Michelle", as opposed to this blog's persona "Crabby Michelle" (oh who am I kidding, they're both crabby), sometimes posts her complaints using a format called 'Notes to the World', which is a really passive-aggressive way of whining; and so I thought, why hadn't I done that here?

Notes to the Transit World

* To the young man this morning waiting at the bus stop behind me, the traditional instructions for cologne application are as follows: open bottle, sprinkle on scent, go out and face the world.

I think you misread these instructions as: open bottle, pour into bathtub, dive in, go out and face the world, stinking like a vegas lounge. No one finds that attractive and they certainly do not want to board a bus (a fun enclosed kinda space) with you.

* To the HSR, yes, I am addressing you as if you are an entity with thoughts and feelings; you might want to think about occasionally hosing down the inside of your buses..usually I'm not that bothered, but this morning, my bus was Dir-ty...there was no surface I wanted to touch, lean on or let alone sit on and it doesn't make for a pleasant ride.

Fantastic does wonders, really, and those Mr. Clean Erasers..amazing.

* To the highschool student who was texting so furiously that your elbows impeded me caused the complete ruination of a potentially record breaking high score in Tetris: what could possibly be that important at 8:30 in the morning..? Seriously? You're going to school, nothing exciting is happening there. Trust me.

Thank-you for coming out, until next we meet.

The Crabby Librarian

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